Patna : Criminals opened fire on former Mokama MLA Anant Singh on Wednesday. The incident took place in Nauranga-Jalalpur village under Mokama block of Patna district. Villagers say that Anant Singh was roaming around in Mokama and meeting people. Meanwhile some criminals came there and started firing at him.
Then, supporters of former MLA Anant Singh also started firing back. People at the spot say that around 60-70 rounds of firing were done from both sides. Police also confirmed the firing and said that some shells were also recovered from the spot. Police say that notorious criminal Sonu-Monu gang carried out this incident.
DSP Rakesh Kumar reached the spot as soon as he got information about the incident. He said that the police have also recovered a cartridge from the spot. He said that Anant Singh had a narrow escape in this incident. Police from many police stations are camping in the village. Raids are being conducted to arrest the criminals. At present, the entire area has been converted into a police cantonment.
As per information the former MLA Anant Singh was on a tour of Mokama assembly constituency. During this time, he reached Nauranga Jalalpur village to resolve some complaints received from the common people. He was listening to the problems of the villagers.