Union Home Minister Amit Shah kicked off the election campaign of Madhya Pradesh at the BJP’s divisional conference in Indore. In his address to the party workers, the Congress was also targeted fiercely. Shah said that Mr. Bantadhar and Corruption Nath could not bring any new industry and Could only start the transfer industry. He said that now the double engine government will make Madhya Pradesh the number one state in the country.
Addressing the booth workers of BJP, Mr. Shah said that the people of Madhya Pradesh blessed the Bharatiya Janata Party with votes inn 2014 and 2019 elections. I express my gratitude to the people of Madhya Pradesh for this.
Minister Shah said that during the Congress government, Aaliya, Jamaliya used to come from Pakistan and go away after firing bullets, but our army destroyed their terrorists by entering Pakistan’s house. This happened because of the strong will of the Prime Minister. They had kept Article 370 in their lap for 70 years. We removed that section and connected Kashmir with the mainstream of the country.
Amit Shah further said, “Similarly this Congress party was stalling, halting and diverting the construction of Ram temple in Ayodhya. But under the leadership of Modi ji, the decision of the court came and Modi ji did Bhoomipujan of Ram temple. Today a grand Ram temple is being constructed in Ayodhya. Similarly, whether it is to build Mahakal Lok, whether it is to build Kashi Vishwanath Corridor, whether it is to build Somnath temple, Modi ji has saved our pilgrimages.