Lucknow: Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has instructed the Principal Secretary home to give relaxation of three years in the age limit of the candidates in police recruitment. This relaxation will be available to candidates of all categories. The decision came after the request and demands for relaxation in the age limit from students.
Sharing the information about the decision on his social media platform X, CM Yogi Adityanath wrote, ‘Your government is fully committed to the interests of the youth and their bright future. In this sequence, in the ongoing process for recruitment to the post of Reserve Civil Police in UP Police, it has been decided to give relaxation of three years in the upper age limit for all categories of candidates. (Translated from Hindi)
Applications for UP Police Constable Recruitment will start from Wednesday 27th December on the official website of the Commission, A total of 60244 posts are to be recruited. The last date for online application is January 16, 2024. The last date for depositing fees and amending the application has been fixed as January 18, 2024.
After this decision of CM Yogi Adityanath government, now a revised recruitment advertisement will also be issued soon. Earlier the age limit for men was fixed at 18 to 22 years and for women at 18-25 years. Now after getting 3 years relaxation, men up to 25 years of age will be able to apply.
[Reported By : Ashutosh Pandey ]