Vice-President of India, Jagdeep Dhankhar today stressed that differently-abled people must not be considered objects of sympathy, but deserve recognition for their wealth of knowledge, aptitude, inclination and expertise. He emphasized on the need to create an eco-system whereby we empower our disabled people who hold immense talent that can be leveraged.
Addressing the 10thNational Conference on Disability in Gurugram today, the Vice-President highlighted the shift in perspective that has taken place in societal notions which once deemed women incapable of difficult tasks. Noting that the “ceiling has been broken” with women taking leading roles across diverse spheres, the Vice-President called for a similar shift in perception toward individuals labelled as “disabled”. “They are not disabled; we take them to be disabled,” he pointed out. Those who outwardly appear physically able may harbour some form of disability, whether visible or hidden,and nobody is truly complete, he said.
The Vice-President underlined the risk of fostering dependency rather than empowerment. Stressing the need to prioritise empowerment, especially amongst the vulnerable sections including the disabled, women, and minorities, he urged major corporate entities to direct their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) funds towards empowering these sections of society.
India’s ethos & G-20 motto of VasudhaivaKutumbakam is now a ground reality, the Vice-President stated that there has been a shift in the world’s perspective towards India. He called for a departure from solely looking towards the West for solutions, noting that now, the West seeks insights from India. He highlighted India’s prominent position on the global stage today, highlighting that the “nation’s unprecedented growth has astonished the world”.
VP Dhankar also Commended the enactment of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act in 2016, Vice-President expressed contentment with its thorough provisions. Hailing the vision of extending facilities to disabled individuals in villages and rural areas, the Vice-President underscored the importance of “thinking out of the box and being innovative” to enhance the lives of disabled individuals. “Everyone must contribute in one way or another”, he urged.
The Vice-President also visited the Ability Museum ‘Museum of Possibilities’ at the Sarthak Global Resource Centre during his visit. Dr. Jitender Aggarwal, Founder and CEO of Sarthak Educational Trust, Rajesh Aggarwal, Secretary of Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities and other dignitaries were also present on the occasion.