Lucknow: On the 51st birthday of Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, a graphic novel written on his life was released in several cities including Lucknow. This graphic novel titled ‘Ajay to Yogi Adityanath’ was released in the presence of 5000 children in 51 schools of 20 districts.
This graphic novel is going to inspire children and youth. Ministers, MPs, MLAs and dignitaries were present in this programme. In this book, the journey of CM Yogi Adityanath from childhood to becoming the Chief Minister has been shown.
The author of this book is Shantanu Gupta. On the occasion of the release of the book, Uttar Pradesh’s PWD Minister Jitin Prasad, Sarojininagar Assembly MLA Rajeshwar Singh and Chief Minister’s Information Advisor Mrityunjay Kumar were present. Along with the release of the book ‘Ajay to Yogi Adityanath’, it was successful in registering its name in the Asia Book of Records. This book was released with five thousand students in 51 schools of 20 districts of the state.
The release happened on such a large scale that the official representative of the Asia Book of Records, Samir Das, announced the entry of the book in the Asia Book of Records. On this occasion, PWD Minister Jitin Prasad said that Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath struggled a lot in life, he did not even have the basic facilities which are common today. Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has taken Uttar Pradesh to a height where it was not easy to reach. Along with this, the minister said that Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath is constantly working hard to make Uttar Pradesh Uttam Pradesh.